the girls + data

girls + data is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization on a mission to increase data literacy among young women at an early age and to expose middle school girls to technology careers in data analytics

how we started
Kira Wetzel founded girls + data after speaking on a panel of women IT professionals as part of a Girls in Tech - Milwaukee program. Young women in grades K-12 and their parents attended the panel, and Kira answered several questions about one serious misconception: a career in technology means a career in computer science and "coding."
As a woman who leads data and analytics teams that use programming "some of the time," Kira has set out to dispel the idea that you have to be a "coder" to be a woman in tech.

Kira Wetzel
- founder of girls + data

Women are needed in data analytics in a variety of roles that require the type of computational thinking that girls + data taught regardless of whether they use programming in their primary roles.

where we are today
girls + data is introducing a new operating model that simultaneously supports our original mission while accelerating our overall impact. We will use our financial resources to support organizations that provide training on data topics to our core audience of middle school girls. This could look like a Girl Scout troop working on their STEM badges to sponsoring a teacher to attend a conference so that they can bring back that learning and real-world application to the classroom.
We're excited to hear your ideas on how you can help support our mission!
Please use the Nominate button to tell us all about them!
In addition, we will still provide an e-learning portal for girls until the end of 2023 to give girls a "taste" of data in a self-paced mode.

our impact
Historically, girls + data has provided hands-on learning opportunities in data and analytics to middle school girls through more than 40+ live events (both in-person and virtual) and 8 course offerings on our asynchronous e-Learning portal. Topics ranged from Data Visualization to Predictive Analytics.
With our new operating model, our hope is to accelerate our impact by expanding our network of those providing education on data topics thereby touching even more girls' lives. If you know of a worthy organization, please click on our nomination button to let us know about them!

girls trained nationwide since 2017

of students would like to attend another event!

of attendees want to learn more about data
program recipients

2024 & beyond Opportunities
Stay tuned!
make a donation!

** Please add a note in your donation if you prefer to remain anonymous. **
PayPal Donation
To make an instant gift, please use our PayPal Donate button or PayPal your donation to donations@girlsplusdata.org.