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Event Registration



virtual events

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safety at our virtual events

girls + data is a team of technologists who are passionate about providing  unique learning  opportunities around data. 

Our first priority is always a safe, healthy learning environment whether that is in person or virtual. We are aware of and understand the news surrounding Zoom and have carefully evaluated Zoom as being safe and secure for the needs of girls + data.


Please browse our upcoming events calendar below.

Not into Zoom? Want a self-guided learning experience? 

girls + data also offers an   eLearning Portal!  where you can learn at your own pace!

upcoming calendar events


student spotlight

"I really liked the  hands-on portion  of the event where we got to experiment with the different types of ways we could visualize data."


- 9th grader student,
Intro to Data Visualization,
virtual data camp

begin your Data Analytics journey today!

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